Rates and Booking
When you decide to book, contact us through our contact sheet or by phone or mail, indicating the nights you wish to stay. We will within 12 hours confirm your dates , the total price and the required 50% deposit.You then proceed to the below paypal buttons ( deposit/ balance or total pre-payment for meals  and click on the appropriate buttons and number of nights/meals. You then follow the paypal instructions).
Booking and Cancellation Policy
Room with breakfast:
130 euros for one, 155 euros for two per night which includes a generous vegan breakfast. For week-long stays the 7th night is free!(Book for 7 but pay for 6 on paypal)
1.  Gourmet - 50 euros for a 4-course meal with all drinks, wines , coffee and tea.
2. Bistrot - 30 euros for a 3-course meal with all drinks , wines, coffee and tea.
3.Gourmet cooking class and dining experience 95 euros - 2 hour cooking class followed by meal  - 4 courses and all wines and beverages included
Sunday brunch
25 euros
Picnics lunches for takeout 14 euros
Garden and market Tours
a)  Whole-day  -   Versailles extravaganza- le potager du Roi (the kings kitchen garden), Le chateau, the Park, le Hameau de la Reine et the Versailles market, with lunch included, 240 euros
  b)  Whole -day  - St Jean de Beauregard and the Potager du Roi (Versailles),  with lunch included - 240 euros
    c)  Whole-day Normandy Kitchen Gardens by the Sea or By the Seine tour   9am-7pm - 4 gardens with lunch included. 310 euros
    d) Whole-day Loire Valley tour 3 gardens - 8 am-8 pm  (train and mini-van) 420 euros
    e) Whole-day - Bagatelle park and the potager des Prince in Chantilly with lunch included, 180 euros
Tarifs 2009
Chambre avec petit déjeuner:
130 euros pour une personne, 155 euros pour deux par nuit avec un copieux petit déjeuner vegan. Pour un séjour d’une semaine, la 7ème nuit est offerte!
50 euros pour un repas (entrée, plat, dessert) avec boisson, vin, cafée et thé compris.
Brunch du dimanche
25 euros
Pique nique à emporter
14 euros incluant soit un sandwich gourmet vegan ou un assortiment de legumes/graines/salades au tofus et pâtes aux legumes /hummous/caviar d'aubergine fait maison, une compote de fruits fait maison, des yaourts ou crème au soja,de l'eau minerale ou jus de fruit et des noix et fruits secs pour grignoter….
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